Howl at the Moon! 

Full moon tonight.  Wooo-hoooo.  I am such a moonchild.  Nothing like a full moon in a clear sky to create a tidal wave in our 55%-65%  body water content.  Ah, refreshing!

Sir Christopher Lee 

Are you kidding me?  What is going on with our elected officials?  Christopher Lee and Craigslist?  The ex GOP Congressman is giving Sir Christopher Lee a bad name.  Lord of the Rings fans unite and rebel!

Toshi Rocks! 

Just left one of Toshi Reagon’s 26th Anniversary Birthday Concerts.  There is usually at least one song that guts me.  “There and Back Again” did it.  Between the journeyman feel and her Mom, Dr. Bernice Johnson Reagon singing back from the audience, I felt each word and note in my soul.  Before I knew it, tears were coming down.  I’ve got new favorite songs from the new cd, entitled, “There and Back Again” (be sure to listen and buy @ Toshi   “Something You Know and Standing in the Rain”…

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Bienvenue, Mes Amis! 

Thanks to the great Lydia Mann, is alive.  May it bring us mutual joy and fulfillment.



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